2024 Yılı Yayınlarımız

Yayınlanma Tarihi: 04-04-2024


Titiz Yurdakal, S., Sami Güvenç, I., & Güngör, S. (2024). Transient bacteremia following the removal of four different types of rapid palatal expanders. Transiente Bakteriämie nach der Entfernung von 4 verschiedenen Expandern zur schnellen Gaumennahterweiterung. Journal of orofacial orthopedics = Fortschritte der Kieferorthopadie : Organ/official journal Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Kieferorthopadie, 10.1007/s00056-024-00523-4. Advance online publication.



Öztürk, K., Danışman, H., & Akkoca, F. (2024). The effect of temporomandibular joint dysfunction on the craniocervical mandibular system: A retrospective study. Journal of oral rehabilitation51(3), 469–475.




Calciolari, E., Dourou, M., Akcali, A., & Donos, N. (2024). Differences between first- and second-generation autologous platelet concentrates. Periodontology 2000, 10.1111/prd.12550. Advance online publication.




Hasan, F., Magan-Fernandez, A., Akcalı, A., Sun, C., Donos, N., & Nibali, L. (2024). Tooth loss during supportive periodontal care: A prospective study. Journal of clinical periodontology, 10.1111/jcpe.13943. Advance online publication.





Valentini, P., Calciolari, E., Monlezun, S., Akcalı, A., Donos, N., & Quirynen, M. (2024). APCs in sinus floor augmentation. Periodontology 2000, 10.1111/prd.12554. Advance online publication.





Kurt-Bayrakdar, S., Bayrakdar, İ. Ş., Yavuz, M. B., Sali, N., Çelik, Ö., Köse, O., Uzun Saylan, B. C., Kuleli, B., Jagtap, R., & Orhan, K. (2024). Detection of periodontal bone loss patterns and furcation defects from panoramic radiographs using deep learning algorithm: a retrospective study. BMC oral health24(1), 155.












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